Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Teenage (Minah Kental) Years...

First of all, Suraini Abdul Kadir, thank you for your email. I am sorry to take this long to reply your email as well as to say thank you. Maaflah yer, Akak bz bangettt :). To another friend of mine, Idah Yusnitah, thank you for your sms. Sorry for not replying, I am a lil bit old school, never reply any sms coz I take 10 mins just to type 1 sentence. Hope you understand eh.

Ok here are some pictures of me and some of our friends. I am not trying to ridicule anybody here so please do not be so sensitive. As you know I had ridiculed myself in the previous entry and here are more of myself to be ridiculed. My kids are already laughing tergolek-golek ok. They said.."Mummy obit seyy"..(bertuah punya anak).

Starting with this group picture

This pic was taken during my 15th Birthday. Had a hell of a good time when your parents were not at home. Well nothing kinky happened, naaah..we were just a bunch of nerds. Don't you think so guys? Im sorry but I cant remember the names of those two guys. Anyone can remember what is their name?

Asri : He was one of our junior. Why was he there? Hehe..He was a lil bit head-over-heels over me. I knew everybody were gossiping about me dating him, a younger guys but who cares!..Org pun tak kisah right coz he tak hensem sgt punnn..

Hishal : Did you notice that he and erma sit side by side? They were one great enemies. Erma ever threw his bag out of the window coz he just lovesss to irritates her. He was your secret admirer agaknyer Erma?

Nonie : She is the MC queen and the Sleeping Queen. Appeared only 3 days in a week. Even if she appeared, she would be sleeping through out the day. Pssst..remember her love bites? A string of them....fuyoooohhh..tak boleh tahan woooo..

Ok here are the Golden Girls..cheehhh. Siti, the popular girl in school, same goes to Kartina, they were the hottest girls back then. Erma, sorry to post this pic, but you look slim in here. Junainie, one quite girl in class, Me..ermm..the kecoh and clumsy but still try to act cool and then Afiza, Junainie's partner. Suara both of them mcm semut ok. Sooo soft..

Ok the reason why I post this picture is because, this is the only pic where JOHAN is in it. Don't you all missed him? I missed his nonsense ok.

Here is Azrul and Marlina (Burung). Sorry Marlina but that was your nickname back then. Originated from your hair yg nak buat Ding Dong tapi tak jadi and turned out to be like burung merak jambul. Azrul, was one of the hottest guy in school. Admired him in silence but once i got to know him for few months..sorry Azrul, kau nie betul2 mat kental buah lenchee ar. Tak boleh angkat ar gua! Mat metal kapak giller ar lu!

Me and Kartina.

Azrul and Erma.

Me and my forever Best-friend. Rambut pun sama style ok!

Ok its getting late. Time for my bedtime. Will be back to post more pictures tomorrow. See ya!