Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Siti Munawaroh

Siti Munawaroh. A maid that has been with me for 4 years. Danish called her Siti Wanawana when he was younger as he has difficulties pronouncing her name. She was a maid, a confidante and a friend to me and my kids. She was an abused maid and was sent back to the agent. I took her after my first maid was a hopeless one . The first time I saw her, I just had this feeling that she is a warm, loving and humble person.

Brought her home and immediately I could see that she has this bonding with lil children. The kids love her and the most important thing is...she love them so much. It reminded her of her two lil sons that she had left in the village. She is a very strong and determined woman. I had never seen her crying or mention that she missed her son. She did not even dare to ask me if she could call her hometown until I asked her if she wanted to.

She would do her housework and fetched the children religiously everyday. She had never showed any tantrums not even a blackface. She took care of everything perfectly. The children loves her. They love her more than they love me. They can go without me but not without Siti. Everybody loves her in fact. The children, Me, my husband, MIL, SIL, the neighbours, the makciks and kakaks at Danish school...well the list can go on and on.

At this moment, while Im writing this blog, I am practically crying like a mad woman. It just came out macam air pancut. I just couldnt stop it and sobbing like a lil girl. Before she goes, she make sure everything was cleaned, neat and proper. Informed Amira of the places she had place the socks, the shirts and all the necessary things that I need to know. She would'nt dare to tell me coz she knows she would cry the moment she talk to me. She has placed Danish school socks nicely in his shoes. Just to make sure I wouldnt be frantically looking around for it when shes not around. See, how can I not miss and love her? For the past two days Danish has been asking about Siti. The kids missed her so much and I missed her lots.

For Siti, the whole family here will pray the best for you and your family. You have worked hard for the family. We appreciate the help that you had rendered, the love, the frienship that you had given. May you be happy, may Allah swt will always look after you and your children as well as the family. Insyaallah if we are given the opportunity, we will meet again.

We miss you so much and will never ever forget you. Thank you so much Siti Munawaroh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so sebak while reading this!

may Allah bless her & protect her & é family from disaster, insyaállah, aminn! you take care too.

ps: dah dapat pembantu yg baru ker?