Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ramadhan al Mubaraq

Ramadhan is here again. Every year I am more excited to celebrate Ramadhan rather than Syawal. I am supposed to be back to office after 8 days of Medical Leave. However here I am still at home down with fever. My head really goes THOMP! THOMP!. Headaches, yes a bad headache due to the healing process. That was what the doctor said yesterday.

Went to the hospital to removed the wisdom tooth stitches. All went fine, stitches were dry and removed but the pain is still there! My goodness, I was not feeling well all the way from home to the hospital. Tripped and fell at the stairs. Everything is just not right. The world around me seems spinning. Im feeling drowsy.

Consulted the doctor about it and she said its normal. Its the healing process. As I have not been eating well (porridge for 8 days), poor appetite, pain killers 2x a day, all these contribute to the reason why I am feeling light, giddy and nausea. And today I have to take leave due to my fever.

Forced myself to wake up, bath and be strong. Straight away to my laptop. "Apa nak masak for buka hari nie eh". Hence I start my surfing adventure. Kepo2 at Mak Lang's Blog and Kak Hanie Liza fotopages to look out for ideas and recipies. Instead of finding one, it made my stomache growling..heh..ishk

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