Saturday, September 22, 2007

What's Cooking for Iftar?

Eversince my medical leave ended last Thursday, I was really busy and that's the reason why I have not made any posting eversince. Sibuk bangett!! My everyday itinerary would be Office - Rush home - Cook for Iftar. And while in the office I would have to crack my head on what to cook for Iftar. As usual Mak Lang's and Kak Liza's Blog will not only be my inspiration and made my stomach growls too! hehe..Snapped some pictures of what we had for iftar for the last few days. (Well, there are some days where I beli jer kat kedai. Angin malas melanda)

Soup Ball
This is basically a Big Bergedil eaten with chicken soup. I would say it is the easiest but yet very lecehiest. The leceh part is to make the Big Bergedil. I used 10 potatoes to make about 8 medium bergedils. However the taste is soo syiokk when its eaten with lots and lots sambal kicap.

Kentang Boyan
Another simple potato dishes. Boil about 8 potatoes till half cook. Cut into medium cubes. Fry a teaspoonful of blended garlic and 1 tblspoon of grounded dried shrimps for a while. Mix in 4 eggs. Fry till the eggs are half cooked. Put in a dash of salt and pepper and poue in the cube potatoes. Mix it altogether and Walla, its done. Garnish it with fried shallots.

Jemput2 / Cikodok Udang
Basically just like any other jemput2. Flour mix with chopped onions and red chillies. A bit of salt and mix in the udang geragau. I dont know what its called in english..alaa baby shrimps lah.

Mee Soto
I guess everybody would know Mee Soto. Yellow mee or longtong eaten with Chicken soup with small bergedils and sambal kicap.

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